"No individual or company, no matter how large or how profitable, is above the law." - Eric Holder
"Understand the law, you'll have no flaws, and it's no cost to you at all" - RKease Company
Being a founder has transformed my life for the better and it has only helped me gain a broader perspective on life. Throughout my founder journey, there have been so many ups, downs, and roadblocks, but I have only been resilient and gained more wisdom throughout the process. My therapeutic coping mechanism through stressful times has been to read books and gain intelligence through them to overcome my adversity and gain the benefits of eustress. A book that has been dear to me recently and more to me as I become a greater founder is the book called "Your Guide to Canadian Law" by Legal Line.

In this book, they deduce the importance of the law within various components of society is imperative to your success in the country. As a founder, you need to understand the law and how it applies to you as a founder, consumer, and eventually a future investor. There are so many components of the book that I have derived so many insights from, but the most important parts are the intellectual property chapters and the business section. Let's delve into some details and how it's helped me.

"Intellectual Property (IP) is the end of human creativity and expression. Music, writing, paintings, computer software, inventions, industrial processes, and many other original creative endeavors can be intellectual property." Among the most common types of protection for IP are patents, trademarks, copyrights, and industrial designs. Other areas of IP law cover trade secrets, integrated circuit topography registrations, industrial designs, and plant breeders' rights. As with any private property, IP owners and creators (not always the same) have enforceable legal rights preventing others from using or profiting from their creations without permission and allowing owners to sell, license, or transfer various IP rights." (Legal Line,

Now I have already been to the copyright process before because I read a book about the importance of law through the personal finance savant, Robert Kiyosaki. Through his literature, I knew that being a founder was important to understand the rules, procedures, and processes of a business. Intellectual property is my forte simply because I am a very creative individual and I am only enhancing my knowledge on what it takes to learn more about IP.

Overall, this book is imperative to any founder's journey and I know that soon I can make it in the world of entrepreneurship and become the best founder that I can possibly be! I hope everyone's day is full of rest, kindness, and ease! Peace!